I Believe

Series on Christian Doctrine

Over the summer we took a break from our series in 1 Corinthians to examine some of the essentials of our faith. Where better to look, therefore, than in the statements of one of the oldest and simplest summaries of Christian belief – the Apostles’ Creed. All Christian churches recognise its importance as an affirmation of the basic beliefs that unite Christians across the world and down the centuries.

Studying the Creed, of course, sends us back to the Bible - our ultimate authority - not only to ensure that as a believing community we are grounded in the truth but also that we are equipped for mission. Historically, mission has been the mother of theology as it is only when Christians are able to answer questions like “What do you believe about God?” or “Who is Jesus Christ?” and “Why is his death and resurrection significant?” that we can confidently engage with the non believing world. 

So do catch-up and listen to these stand alone studies in the fundamentals of faith.

Phil Jenkins 

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